upgrading internet and equipment for multitasking

upgrading internet and equipment for multitasking

  • Tips To Make More Time For Yourself (And Catch Up On Your Favorite Shows)

    Do you ever feel like you are constantly running around like a chicken with your head cut off? Between work and other life obligations, it might seem impossible trying to make time for yourself. Even something as simple as taking some time to catch up on your favorite TV shows can seem like a core. Fortunately, there are ways to make time for yourself and enjoy all those episodes of Stranger Things or Orange Is the New Black like you've been wanting to do.

  • Have Slow Wi-Fi at Home? Know How to Improve Your Internet Speeds

    Having issues where your Wi-Fi speeds at home are not very fast? If so, there may be something that you can do about it. Follow these tips to improve your Wi-Fi speeds. Restart the Modem and Router When in doubt, restart your modem. It may be the simplest solution to your internet speed problem if all you need to do is restart the modem and router. Change the Router Placement

  • Dos And Don'ts Of Reacting To A Bandwidth Limit Warning

    As the end of the month approaches, it's possible that you may receive a notice from your home internet provider that warns you about your bandwidth usage. If you have a monthly bandwidth limit, your ISP will alert you when you get within a certain threshold of it, for example, 75 percent. Such a notice, especially if you haven't previously received one, can often be a shock to you. Here are some dos and don'ts of reacting to it.

  • Choosing The Right Internet For Your Needs

    Internet providers used to be small and limited as to the service they provided but times have changed, and the internet has become such a large part of life today and technology has improved in such a way that the service providers have grown larger and the speeds they offer the consumer are much faster. Choosing the right service for your home internet is important to take some time and do some research before jumping in with both feet.

  • Traveling In An RV Long-Term? 3 Tips For Getting The Right Internet Plan

    Living in an RV can require some planning since you won't be able to have all the amenities you're used to at home. If having internet access is a priority to you when on the road, there are a number of things that you need to look into to make sure that you get adequate internet service while living in an RV. If you're unsure of what options are available, consider the following tips that can help you choose an internet plan that suits your budget and provides coverage for when you want to connect online.

  • About Me

    upgrading internet and equipment for multitasking

    When I made the decision to begin working from my home office on a full-time basis, I knew that there were going to have to be some changes to our home. I would have to set some restrictions about the telephone, Internet and noise levels that everyone would have to abide by. They all did great about staying off of the telephone and staying quiet, but getting three kids and a spouse to stay off of the Internet during a set time during the day was impossible. We boosted our Internet connection and upgraded the equipment and now, everyone can use it at once. Find out what can be done here on my blog.
